Monday 24 October 2011


To be clear, we’ve heard ‘it’ called 360˚, integrated, through-the-line (TTL) marketing and numerous other terms.  Whatever you call ‘it’ - it builds and adopts cross-channel tactics based upon user behavior, context and reaction to past content and consistently delivers the most compelling message (and experience) to each customer at the perfect moment through the perfect channel – across inbound and outbound, online and offline, or traditional or emerging.

As tactics rise and fall, a more sophisticated approach is emerging.  Instead of thinking tactic by tactic, marketers are beginning to think strategically across three major areas of social content:  owned (what they create), earned (what customers create), and paid (what marketers spend money for.) 

Media, content, and channels that the company directly delivers, has control over, or owns.  For example:
  • Traditional – Direct Mail (DM), call center, branch/store, ATM, Kiosk/POS
  • Digital – Email, website, microsites, blog, Facebook.

Media, content, and channels delivered through a 3rd Party without exchange of payment.  While your control factor is low, credibility is high.  Examples include:
  • Traditional – Public Relations, generated new, analyst coverage.
  • Digital – Twitter, Blogs, Product Reviews

The most familiar terrain for most marketers; this is media, content, and channels that are delivered through a 3rd party or intermediary in exchange for payment.  For example:
  • Traditional – TV, Radio, Print, Out-of-home (OOH)
  • Digital – Display ads, PPC, Sponsored Content.

What emerges is a non-linear, integrated, interactive, and immersive (platform-agnostic) approach to marketing that is driven by real-time data and intelligence. 

Our chief task as Marketers, both internally and externally, is therefore to get people to engage with and be active participants (i.e. play, create, and share) in our brand story.  Interacting effectively with customers in the digital era has implications beyond marketing products and services. Customers can now find out where and how a company makes its products; how it treats its employees, retired workers and suppliers; how much it pays its top executives; how seriously it takes its environmental responsibilities and the like. This knowledge can affect their buying decisions. Each company has a corporate ‘character’ or ‘personae’ – the differentiating attributes that make it a distinct enterprise. In other words, what an organization stands for is as important as what it sells.

Savvy marketers therefore need to focus on relationships, not just transactions. They need to become change “agents”, drive innovation, push their companies to reboot, and teach our peers how to listen and how to talk to customers.


To help CMO’s facilitate this task, Goodbuzz Inc. has partnered with (Toronto-based) Brand Strategy think-tank LEVEL 5 to capitalize on their world-class proprietary Brand DNA Mapping.  We have additionally partnered with (New York City-based) Buyology Inc. to utilize their MindLink™ measurement and analytics platform for understanding brand relationships. From this mapping, Goodbuzz articulates a comprehensive social brand ‘character’ or ‘personae’ that acts as a template for all partners when engaging along participatory channels.  

To further investigate this mapping and articulation process, please contact us directly.